We Love Croccanti
Yellow Flesh Potatoes
We Love Extrafini
Red skin potatoes
We Love Rustiche
Early Potatoes
Sfoglie saporite
Sfoglie Saporite
We Love a Spicchi
We Love a Fette
Selezione per Ristoranti
Una Tira l'Altra
We Love a Cubetti
We Love Con Buccia
Frisè Senti come Crocca!
We Love Ghiotte
Wow che chips!
Wow Che Chips!
We Love Crocchè
Val Pusteria
Topolino le Croccomagie
Mickey Mouse Croquettes
Gnocchi di patate
Gnocchi di patate
Fior di Purè
PDO Potato from Bologna
PGI Potato from Sila
Potatoes from Lombardy
Potatoes from Tuscany
Potatoes from Umbria
Early Potatoes from Sicily
PGI Potato from Fucino
Extra Patatine
AF Pro Regular Cut
Extra Shoestring
AF Pro Vortex Cut
Extra Steakhouse
AF Pro Deep Crinkle Cut
Extra Wonders
Extra Crispy Kings
Extra Lady Crock
Extra Spikky
Mozzarelline Panate
Anelli di Cipolla
Fiori di zucchine
Petali di cipolle
Foglie di salvia
Tris di verdure
Stick di zucchine
Stick di ortaggi misti
Barchette con buccia
Patatine taglio classico
Tocchettoni Rustici
Spicchi con buccia
Fette con buccia
Purea di patate in dischi
Tocchetti al naturale
Rustici al naturale
Spicchi al naturale
Novelle al naturale
Gnocchi di patate
Chicche di patate
Boost your creativity with our unlimited product ideas
A wide range of products designed to add value to your restaurant's menu. You will surely find the kind of Pizzoli frozen potatoes that best meets your needs.
Privacy Policy
According to the laws and regulations in force and the content of art.13 of the EU Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council (April 27th 2016), on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data ("Regulation") we inform you that Pizzoli S.p.A. is the Data Controller for all data you provide is (following DATA CONTROLLER), based in Via Zenzalino Nord 1 - ZIP CODE 40054 Budrio (BO) Italy Fiscal Code number 03029000373 and VAT number 00590481206.

Browsing Data
The information systems and software procedures relied upon to operate this web site acquire some personal data as part of their standard functioning; the transmission of such data is an inherent feature of Internet communication protocols (i.e. the IP addresses and/or the domain names of the computers and terminal equipment used by any user who browse the Website, the URI - Uniform Resource Identifier - addresses of the requested resources, the time of such requests, the method used for submitting a given request to the server, returned file size, a numerical code relating to server response status - successfully performed, error, etc. -, and other parameters related to the user's operating system and computer environment).. Although this information are not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, such information, by their nature, might allow users to be identified through processing and association with data held by third parties.
These data are processed only in order to extract anonymous statistical information on web-based services usage and in order to check functioning of the web-based services. Browsing data are deleted immediately after processing but they might be used in case judicial authorities need to ascertain responsibility in the event of hypothetical criminal offences against the Website.

Data provided voluntarily by Users
No personal data is requested to be provided by the user to browse the website.
Nevertheless any contact with the Data Controller or Sending messages, on the basis of the user’s free, voluntary, explicit choice, to the Data Controller contact addresses listed on the website , entail the acquisition of the sender’s contact information – which is necessary to provide a reply – or his/her phone number required for answering to his/her requests, as well as of any and all the personal data communicated in that manner.
These data will be exclusively processed in order to answer the user’s requests and can be given to third parties only if necessary for satisfying the user’s requests.

User’s approval is not required for the processing of these data because their treatment is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract(art.6, clause1, lett. b) of the Regulations), as well as, if applicable, to comply with a legal obligation to which the controller is subject (art.6, clause1, lett. c) of the Regulations).
Where such data are necessary to respond to user requests, failure to communicate them could make it impossible for the Data Controller to follow up on such requests.

Data processing will be performed by staff appointed by the DATA CONTROLLER using procedures, technical and IT tools suitable for preserving the privacy and safety of the User’s data. The data processing consists in the collecting, registration, organization, storage, consultation, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, confrontation, use, interconnection, interruption, communication, spreading, erasure, destruction of the data, including two or more previously listed activities.

This data are kept for the time strictly necessary to provide the user with the requested service and erased right after, without prejudice to further conservation obligations required by law. The User’s data will not be disclosed.
As part of its activity and for the purposes indicated above, the DATA CONTROLLER may make use of services rendered by third parties operating on behalf of the DATA CONTROLLER and according to his instructions, as data processors. These are entities that provide the DATA CONTROLLER with processing and instrumental services (i.e. IT services for the website’s functioning). A complete and updated list of the entities that act as responsible parties for data treatment can be obtained upon request at one of the following contacts.

Data can be transferred within the EU, in countries where the DATA CONTROLLER or its suppliers have headquarters or servers. Data will not be transferred outside the EU.
At any moment, the User will have the right to exercise his/her rights in compliance to the regulations in force, included:
right to obtain confirmation and communication of personal data concerning the User which are being processed and get access to their content; right to update, modify and/or correct his/her personal data;
right to ask for their erasure (deletion), transformation into anonymous form, block if processed in violation of the law, or limitation of their use; right to object to the processing of any personal data for legitimate reasons, right to receive copy of the data provided and request their transfer to other controller, by sending a specific request to the DATA CONTROLLER to its email address: [email protected].

If you believe that the processing of your personal data as performed via this website infringes the Regulation, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian data protection authority's (the "Garante") pursuant to Article 77 of the Regulation, or else to bring a judicial proceeding against the Data Controller pursuant to Article 79 of the Regulation.

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